King Price’s optional cover gives you all the options

We live in a world where we’re used to being able to choose from a wide variety of options… I mean, have you seen the cereal aisle at your local supermarket recently? Picking what to eat for breakfast requires more planning than picking an insurance company (because that choice is easy, King Price, of course).

But even when you’re not trying to decide between the frosted flakes that taste grrrreat, and the sticks of high-fibre cardboard that are much better for you, we still like to make sure that you have a few options when it comes to your insurance.

You see, with King Price, when you pay a little more every month, you can cover a whole lot more that doesn’t come standard in your basic insurance policy.

A little while ago, I spoke to you about the different types of car insurance you can get from King Price. Whether you decide to take the fully comprehensive, 5-star car insurance package from King Price, or just need a basic third-party liability only policy, you can always add our optional cover to make sure you’re totally covered when you need it most.

For just a little extra every month, you could enjoy some extra, optional cover. It’s your choice, and it’s our pleasure…

On your car insurance, you could opt for:

–          Insurance for your car sound equipment and accessories.

–          A hired car if yours is stolen / goes in for repairs.

On your buildings insurance, you could decide to also cover:

–          Land subsidence (an especially good option if you live in an old cartoon, where quicksand is a very real, and surprisingly common, hazard).

–          Theft cover for a building that is unoccupied for more than 45 days in a row.

Making sure you’re completely covered is a lot easier when you opt to pay a little more to cover a lot more.

Drop us an email on [email protected] if you’d like to add some optional cover to your King Price policy.

Or Click Here to get a quote to join the King Price family!