The strangest jobs in the world

Have you ever wondered what some of the weirdest and most unusual jobs in the world are? Well, you’re not alone. There are people out there who make a living doing things that most of us would never imagine. Here are some of the strangest jobs in the world that’ll make you appreciate your own job more.   Professional cuddler […]

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The most common insurance mistakes and how to avoid them

Do you have insurance? Of course you do. You’re a smart cookie who knows how to protect your stuff and peace of mind. But are you sure you have the right insurance? The best insurance? The most awesome insurance ever? Well, maybe not. You see, a lot of people make some common insurance mistakes that can cost them a lot […]

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The benefit of speaking more than 1 language in South Africa

South Africa is a diverse and vibrant country with 12 official languages and many more spoken by its people. Being able to speak more than 1 language is not only a valuable skill but also a great advantage in this multicultural society. Here are some of the benefits of being multilingual in South Africa.   You can communicate better with […]

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How to get your bicycle ready for a mountain bike race

If you’re planning to participate in a mountain bike race, you need to make sure that your bicycle is in top condition. A well-prepared bicycle can make a big difference in your performance and enjoyment of the race. Here are the top 5 things you should do to prep your bicycle for your next riding challenge. Check your tyres Your […]

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How digital hearing aids can make your life easier (and cheaper)

If you suffer from hearing loss, you know how frustrating it can be to miss out on the sounds of life. You may struggle to hear conversations, enjoy music, or follow directions. You may also feel isolated, stressed, or embarrassed by your hearing difficulties. But you don’t have to live with hearing loss. There’s a solution that can help you […]

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When chip happens

Windscreens are essential for maintaining comfort and safety when driving. However, chips and cracks can compromise their effectiveness. What are the main causes of windscreen chips? What are the types of chips? And should you replace your windscreen or simply just repair the chip? Let’s take a closer look. Causes of windscreen chips Flying debris – Our roads often witness […]

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