Buildings vs. home contents

Insurance-talk can be confusing… But not when you’re with the king of insurance! Here’s a breakdown of what we mean by buildings insurance and home contents insurance. If you turned your home upside down, home contents insurance would cover the things that fall out. For everything else on your property, you need buildings insurance. In both cases, you’re comprehensively covered […]

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Protect your home from a fire hazard

House fires are scary. They’re also destructive. Some of our highest claims over the years have been from house fires, showing just how devastating these hazards can be. Sometimes they wipe out the home from top to bottom! We thought it would be a good idea to share how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from house fires. […]

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What you need to know about switching home insurance

Switching to a better home insurance policy that’s way more suitable for your valuables and way more affordable for your budget is the smart (and dare we say, obvious) choice. Sadly, a lot of consumers don’t actually know that they can switch their insurance to whichever company they want, whenever they want. And if they do know that they can […]

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Cleaning hacks that’ll blow your mind

Cleaning hacks that’ll blow your mind (and 1 that’s got to do with your insurance) We’ve all become pros at occasionally (or more frequently, if we’re honest) performing operation ‘fake clean’ to get our homes looking livable in just a few minutes. While we applaud getting a job done quickly, going faster can ever so rarely = a job done poorly. […]

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Home decorating tips you need

Home decorating tips you need: Ever find yourself looking around your home and feeling super bored with the general state of affairs? Well, hold yourself back from moving or embarking on a renovation project based off of your Pinterest house of dreams. Because that’s just basically the most expensive thing you’ll ever do. Renovations always seem to start off at […]

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Moving in December? Here’s how to make sure it goes smoothly

We were flabbergasted at just how many people move houses towards the end of the year. No, seriously. Apparently November to January are the most popular months in which to take all your stuff and put it into another house. There are a bunch of reasons for this, some random and some thoughtfully considered. For example, some people move in […]

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