Top tips from advanced drivers

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Technically speaking, cars are safer than they have ever been. Of course, with human beings behind the wheel, they’re still killing machines. Let’s face it, as a species we do find it difficult to retain even the most minimal rules and techniques needed to adequately operate a car.

Not to worry, though. For those among you who are aiming higher than “Driving Miss Daisy” and are intent on doing what it takes to survive in a world full of such drivers, then we’ve got a few advanced driving tips that are easy to follow and no sweat to put into action.

Check out these 4 practical tips.

  1. Keep your eye far out.

Out of all the aspects of driving, you’d think that looking would be the most straightforward. Apparently we’re all looking wrong. Who knew?

Well, it seems that most of us tend to focus on the car right in front of us, whereas we should be looking at the farthest piece of road that the eye can spy. This sharpens up the old peepers, allowing you to see everything from left to right, and beyond to the horizon.

  1. Enjoy a gentle bend.

This tip literally takes almost no effort, but most of us have an uncanny ability to get it so wrong.

How you position your booty in your seat plays a bigger role than you think when it comes to driving like you know what you’re doing out there, and protect you against hip injuries if you crash.

The trick is to not sit too far away from the pedals and not have your legs fully straightened out. Allow them the freedom to enjoy a nice bend.

  1. Don’t hit the brakes.

The knee-jerk reaction to most tricky driving moments is to hit the brakes. It makes sense and most of the time, it’s the right thing to do… Especially considering that most modern cars have ABS (anti-lock braking system). There are a few scenarios when it’s the worst reaction, though. Like when you have a tyre blowout.

Hitting the brakes in this situation might lead to fishtailing or flipping your car, maybe into oncoming traffic. So what you need to do is keep your foot away from the brake and lightly hit the accelerator. This will give you a moment to stay calm and drive straight in your lane, before you take your foot away from the accelerator and just let your car slow down while you pull onto the side of the road.

  1. The right cover.

The way other drivers hit the roads, it just makes sense that you give your car the right cover, and we’re experts when it comes to giving your car the advanced treatment.

With our ground-breaking, super cheap car insurance premiums that decrease monthly to correspond with the depreciating value of your car, your car will benefit and so will your wallet. We also give you the freedom to choose the excess that best suits your budget. Remember, the higher the excess, the lower your monthly premium!

Your choice, our pleasure.