The most common insurance mistakes and how to avoid them

Do you have insurance? Of course you do. You’re a smart cookie who knows how to protect your stuff and peace of mind. But are you sure you have the right insurance? The best insurance? The most awesome insurance ever? Well, maybe not. You see, a lot of people make some common insurance mistakes that can cost them a lot […]

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How to get your bicycle ready for a mountain bike race

If you’re planning to participate in a mountain bike race, you need to make sure that your bicycle is in top condition. A well-prepared bicycle can make a big difference in your performance and enjoyment of the race. Here are the top 5 things you should do to prep your bicycle for your next riding challenge. Check your tyres Your […]

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Setting SMART goals for the New Year (and saving money on insurance)

A new year is a great time to reflect on your life and make some positive changes. Whether you want to improve your health, finances, career, or relationships, setting goals can help you achieve your dreams. However, not all goals are created equal. Some are vague, unrealistic, or irrelevant, and they can quickly lose their appeal and motivation. That’s why […]

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Your holiday needs cellphone insurance

We’ve always known that cellphones are high-risk valuables. It’s probably why we don’t let our phones out of our sight. Some of us, not saying who, take it everywhere… Even to the loo. That’s normal, right? Right, ok, no judgment. Of course, we’re not wrong to be a bit paranoid about this essential item. Our phones are how we connect, […]

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Holidaying in another country? Make sure your insurance is in order

Last December and January alone, more than 2 million South Africans travelled abroad, either by road or by air. In addition to having travel insurance, which covers accommodation cancellations and medical emergencies, travellers should also have insurance for their cars and valuables – so that if something happens, it won’t ruin their holiday. Here are the king’s top tips for […]

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What if your favourite superheroes had to buy insurance? (Hint: It would be very expensive)

We all love superheroes. They’re brave, powerful, and heroic. They fight evil, protect the innocent, and save the world. But have you ever wondered how much it would cost them to buy insurance? Superheroes may have superpowers, but they also have super liabilities. They cause a lot of collateral damage, injure themselves and others, and face many risks and threats. […]

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